The Films of Eloyce and James Gist
Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 2:00-3:30 p.m.
0302H Hornbake Library, University of Maryland College Park
Professor S. Torriano Berry of Howard University will join the African American Women and the Movies class to talk about and show the films of Eloyce Gist. Eloyce and James Gist were traveling evangelists in the 1920s and 30s who produced films as a way of getting their religious message to their audiences. Due to their frequent showing, by the time the Library of Congress received the films they were in hundreds of short fragments, having fallen apart along the splices. For several decades they remained in this condition in the LOC vaults. Professor Berry has worked to reconstruct the pieces of the films and added a score. He will speak about the reconstruction process and present a 10 minute Gist screening reenactment with church hymns and a short sermonette, followed by screenings of Hellbound Train (50:00) and Verdict Not Guilty (7:30).
Interested faculty and students are welcome to attend.
Any questions: contact Professor Elsa Barkley Brown [email protected]
Professor Berry’s presentation is sponsored by the African American Political Culture Workshop of the Department of History.
Hellbound Train Demo
Wednesday, October 9, 2013, 2:00-3:30 p.m.
0302H Hornbake Library, University of Maryland College Park
Professor S. Torriano Berry of Howard University will join the African American Women and the Movies class to talk about and show the films of Eloyce Gist. Eloyce and James Gist were traveling evangelists in the 1920s and 30s who produced films as a way of getting their religious message to their audiences. Due to their frequent showing, by the time the Library of Congress received the films they were in hundreds of short fragments, having fallen apart along the splices. For several decades they remained in this condition in the LOC vaults. Professor Berry has worked to reconstruct the pieces of the films and added a score. He will speak about the reconstruction process and present a 10 minute Gist screening reenactment with church hymns and a short sermonette, followed by screenings of Hellbound Train (50:00) and Verdict Not Guilty (7:30).
Interested faculty and students are welcome to attend.
Any questions: contact Professor Elsa Barkley Brown [email protected]
Professor Berry’s presentation is sponsored by the African American Political Culture Workshop of the Department of History.
Hellbound Train Demo